As part of the book review (see previous article), they have images from the Indexed weblog.  If you like graphical math jokes, you might find them amusing.
Probability Resources
For those who are not aware, there is a new chapter in the book about Random Numbers. Because it is only a 50 page chapter in a much larger work, I don’t go into as much detail as I would have liked about probability. So I recommend a couple of longer works dedicated to the subject. One is Grinstead and Snell’s Introduction to Probability, which I had the honor of being taught from (in a pre-release edition) by John Kemeny. The other is Larry Gonick’s Cartoon Guide to Statistics, which is a surprisingly informative little book. However, after seeing a review of The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives, by Leonard Mlodinow, I may have a third. I recommend at least reading the review, and possibly checking out the book.
And if you’re into podcasts (and who isn’t, really? But I jest), the BBC’s In Our Time podcast has a episode about Probability. I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet, but if it’s like their other programmes, I’m sure it will be quite interesting and informative.